My identity…

My identity has changed.

Over the course of the last four years my life’s purpose has become clearer than it has ever been.

I met my husband in early 2020, spent most of 2020 with him and then engaged and married in November of 2020. Fast, simple and packed full of love. I evolved and it was the year that sparked the change in my identity.

My past is what brought me here and for that I am grateful. I love my upbringing and all that has influenced and guided me. There are no regrets in my life and I am incredibly blessed to be sitting here writing this blog. I want this to be a space where you can find solidarity if it suits you, guidance if you need it or an escape for when the time calls for it. I will share my story, others stories and helpful tools in living the most natural life you can as mother (specifically a mom of multiples). I don’t know everything and most things I learn by seeing others do, research or just plain experience. Now more about me (going to make it shorter and sweet)…

I am a mom to three amazing children, a wife to the best husband and a natural minded woman. Here is to hoping I can help someone else find some nature in this crazy world.

I grew up on the East coast with my parents, grandparents, two siblings (sister and brother) and other various family members. My childhood was so free and beautiful. My parents were ‘strict’ and made sure we minded our manners and followed God. I spent a lot of our childhood outside with VERY limited TV, participated in gymnastics (15 years!), worked at an early age and made family a priority. My family wasn’t unnatural but we weren’t as natural as I hope to be in my current life.

My parents are amazing people and they did what they felt was right at the time and for that I will always be grateful.

I went to college in North Carolina and graduated with a business degree. I worked various jobs over the years but nothing ever stuck. I had bad eating habits from time to time, smoked cigarettes and lost a lot of sleep I wish I had now. Something I always came back to was knowing that I could be healthy by exercising and eating better. In 2013, I moved from Charlotte, NC to Denver, CO without a job and decided to just made it happen.

I learned a lot of lessons there. In 2014, I was hired on as a Coach at Vantage Movement and this was a moment that, I know, changed my trajectory for health and wellness. Over the six years I worked there, I can say without a doubt I became stronger and more aware of what I did to care for my body. I learned about macronutrients, training as a female and how mental exhaustion does no one any good.

In this space of my life, I met so many people that influenced my wellness and there isn’t enough time to name them all. They know who they are.

Something I learned about myself prior to kids is that I tended to not care about the ‘fate of the world’ or politics much, I was selfish in that regard. So in 2020 a light turned on for me. The sickness that everyone was worried about actually affected my world so it kicked me into caring. And my, now, husband really shared a lot with me when it came to how this crazy world functions. I started looking into supplements, ingredients in products, the medical system and SO MUCH MORE. At one point I tried to unsee it all but there was no unseeing it. It was a slow transition and it is still happening every day for me and my family. I started small by adding in a few supplements, eating raw garlic every day and buying organic/non-gmo foods. Then I started to explore raw milk, grass-fed meat and filtered water. Followed by avoiding the medical system (all drugs), and better skin and body care options. And when things got serious with my husband I started really focusing on my fertility health, ultimately ending with us getting pregnant in late November of 2020.

Now, in 2024, I am in the full swing of motherhood which means I have to focus on protecting my children. I live by the 90/10 rule most of the time. I allow enjoyment but also say no to a lot of things. A friend once said that if it makes motherhood easier in today’s world, its probably not good for you. I laughed a little bit at this because it is so true. We live minimally for our children the best we can and look to nature to find the cure to anything they have going on. Typically air, water or sunshine will help anything. Or…the boob.

We are a breastfeeding, cosleeping, baby wearing family and there are no plans on changing that anytime soon. Great article on attachment parenting here.

If you have come this far I think you can see how my identity has shifted from a single, dog mom, fitness loving, carefree, female business owning woman to a nature focused, attachment parenting, protective and caring mama. I was reborn when I had my daughter and reborn again when I had the twins. I will continue to shift and grow into who God has planned for me (and try to not fight it as much as I did the first time).

This space is for sharing stories, information and tools to help you live your best life. Join me and other mothers as we learn how to be the best mothers we can be and how to navigate twins with grace.

Follow along. Connect if you can.

This is my story and I am happy sharing it.



DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor so do not take my blogs as medical advice, use what you feel comfortable doing. Most of all — lean into your innate self and be an intuitive mama — you know yourself and your family best.


Our Twin Freebirth: A Journey of Trust, Faith, and Empowerment